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Alumínio 1

Environmental Certification

Descrição 1

The Environment concerns naturally emerged as an aspect of Quality - with Extrusal always opting for the selection of the best available technologies when acquiring new equipment. As an example, in the installation of thermo lacquering, it was chosen from the beginning to introduce modern technologies that maximize the reuse of water for a lower environmental impact.

Thus, when the production of industrial effluents began, with the start-up of a surface treatment unit, Extrusal proceeded to install a ETARI , which was duly adapted and optimized in harmony with the expansions and alterations suffered by the manufacture.

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1997 – Implementation of SIGMA.

If certification by the NP EN ISO 9002 standard was the natural outcome of Extrusal's Quality Policy, the next step was the decision to integrate environmental concerns into a coherent program, having started in 1997 the implementation of the Integrated System for the Management of Environment (SIGMA), based on the NP EN ISO 14001 standard.

Although the ISO 14001 standard does not include requirements on aspects of hygiene, health and safety at work, Extrusal decided to include this aspect in its SIGMA.

Thus, from the perspective of the Global Quality concept, SIGMA was an integral part of the Extrusal Quality System (SQE), adapting when possible the Quality Procedures in order to integrate the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard. Environmental Procedures that constitute the Environmental Management Manual.


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2003 – Transition from SQE to NP EN ISO 9001


The transition from SQE to NP EN ISO 9001 by the same certifying entity as NP EN ISO 14001 resulted in the fusion of the two Management Systems into a single Quality and Environmental Management System (SGQA).

The maintenance of an Environmental Management System (SGA), in constant response to Extrusal's growth and legal requirements, allows for greater optimization of the relationship between environmental and economic performance, placing Extrusal in a privileged position in the national and international market.


2011 – Renewal of the SGQA Certification for another three-year cycle and extension of its extension to the Extrusal Studies, Projects and Budgeting Office.


2014 – Renewal of Certification according to the NP EN ISO 14001 standard by SGS and its expansion to the Finished Product Warehouse in São Félix da Marinha.


2023 – Renewal of Certification according to the NP EN ISO 14001 standard by SGS and its expansion to the Retail Logistics Center in Ílhavo.

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