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Powder coating

Colors, shine and textures

Polyester powder paints, through which the aluminum profiles can acquire different colors depending on the powder paint used.

For this surface treatment the European entity, Qualicoat, exists to manage the equally named quality branding and corresponding directives, as well as certify manufacturers (with the participation of national inspection entities – in the case of Portugal, LNEC) so that they may present their brand for quality recognition.


Qualicoat European certification , since 1995, which ensures compliance with Qualicoat directives, which manages the brand with the same designation and corresponding directives, and compliance with ISO 2813, NP ISO 1520, NP EN ISO 2409, NP EN ISO 2815, NP EN ISO 1519 and NP 2360.


Powder coating with special pre-treatment

  • Anodic treatment - It has long been known that the anodised finish of aluminium profiles is more appropriate in more severe environments, as long as it possesses the recommended thickness. Despite being aware of the limitations of powder coating products, many Clients continue to prefer them due to their aesthetic potential. Extrusal, concerned with the complete satisfaction of these Clients, developed a type of pre-treatment which simultaneously ensures the aesthetic advantage of powder coating and the durability of anodising.
  • Seaside - Especially indicated for maritime environments, the class, Seaside, provides an extra guarantee within the scope of the Qualicoat quality brand licence.
Some colors
Some colors
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