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Quality Certifications

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1983 - QUALANOD Quality Mark (EAA / EURAS)

With the objective of safeguarding the quality of the final product manufactured and the perspective of internationalization with the entry into the EEC, Extrusal implemented, in 1982, an innovative anodizing section. In 1983, Anodizing was licensed by Qualanod (EAA/EURAS), the maximum exponent in the certification of Anodizing lines, with the European Quality Label n.º 1405, recognized throughout Europe by all Public and Private Entities.


1988 - Quality Mark SANDALOR

In 1988 the company's anodizing capacity was doubled by installing a new anodizing line. It is also in this year that the Sandalor license n.º 207 is granted, exclusively for Portugal, which allows a variety of anodized colors, and which represents the maximum exponent of the quality of this surface treatment.


1995 - QUALICOAT Quality Mark

The year 1994 was marked by the launch of an automatic thermo lacquering line , which complements the range of surface treatments offered. Like Anodizing, Lacquering was licensed in 1995 by Qualicoat with the European Quality Label No. 808.

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1997 - Extrusal Quality System Certification - APCER

The implementation of the Extrusal Quality System, based on the NP EN ISO 9002 standard, was the ideal basis for improving processes and the quality of products made at Extrusal. It was presented as a stage to be overcome in the Group's development path and in the incessant search for maximum customer satisfaction. Thus, in 1997, Extrusal obtained certification, becoming the first Portuguese company to be certified, and one of the only ones in Europe, in the areas of die manufacturing, extrusion, anodizing and thermo lacquering of aluminum profiles.


2000 - Extrusal Quality System Certification

Renewal of Extrusal Quality System Certification by SGS: International Certification Services


2002 - Extrusal's Environmental Management System Certification

Extrusal Environmental Management System Certification by SGS: International Certification Services according to the NP EN ISO 14001 reference standard.


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2003 - NP EN ISO 9001:2000

Transition of Extrusal's Quality Management System to the NP EN ISO 9001:2000 standard and renewal of certification.


2005 - QUALIDECO Quality Mark

Authorization granted to use the Qualideco brand for wood decoration, subject to the product certification process (Chestnut, Teak, Oak, Cherry and Mahogany)


2011 – Renewal of Extrusal's Quality and Environmental Management System Certification by SGS, extending its scope to Technical Advice promoted by GEP-EXTRUSAL


2014 – Renewal of the NP EN ISO 9001 certification by SGS and its expansion to the Finished Product Warehouse in São Félix da Marinha.


2023 – Renewal of the NP EN ISO 9001 certification by SGS and its expansion to the retail logistics center in Ílhavo.

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