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Security Policy

The Extrusal Group considers the Health and Safety of its employees, service providers, customers, visitors and stakeholders, are crucial for the sustainable and continued success of its activity.

In this way, the Extrusal Group undertakes, through this policy, to comply with the legal requirements applicable to the subject, from the promotion of Health and improvement of the Quality of Life of its employees, to the prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases, and to the constant modernization of general facilities and equipments.

The commitment is to focus on the development of risk management, with the systematic identification of dangers, through the assessment and taking of measures leading to their minimization and control of conditions and unsafe acts.

It is achieved through the integration of Safety and Health at Work in the structural management of the business, daily management of processes, acquisition and adaptation of equipment, and internally established work procedures.

The internal and external Safety and Health at Work services provide training aimed at understanding and complying with the work rules and procedures to be adopted by employees and other stakeholders on the premises. Managers and service management elements are the first leadership promoting compliance with legal requirements and safe behavior by people and companies that contract and subcontract.
The Extrusal Group believes that the implementation of this policy gives rise to a strong and positive impulse in the promotion of a Culture of Safety and Health at Work in the Extrusal Community and society in general.

Linked to other systems, the management of Safety and Health at Work is guided by continuous improvement, with periodic review of objectives and measures, monitored by audit results and performance indicators established by the management department.
This policy will be communicated to all employees and will be available to service providers and stakeholders.

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