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Sustainable Development

Circular Economy

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The path...


Aware that resources are scarce and limited, Extrusal has been focused on the sustainability of the planet and its contribution to the circular economy for 50 years.

In the market since 1972, quality, innovation, excellent service and continuous environmental concern are some of the elements that accompany the Group, holding various certifications ISO 14001 (since 2002), ISO 9001 (since 2003), Qualanod (since 1983) and Qualicoat (1995).


The concern with the environmental impact of its activities led Extrusal to build a ETARI in 1982, making it one of the first Portuguese industries to internally incorporate a residential and industrial water station.

Extrusal ETARI

The Selective Collection Campaign was created in order to contribute to environmental protection through the collection , for recycling of existing waste in the company, thus minimizing the amount of waste deposited in landfills.

A project that has been improved over the years by increasing the number of recycled, reused and treated waste, and by improving handling and packaging conditions. Assuming a commitment to environmental improvement, the Integrated Environmental Management System (SIGMA) was implemented based on the ISO 14001 standard .


Currently, and for several years now, there is a trend in the Extrusal Group towards the use of renewable energies, reduction and greater efficiency in the consumption of water resources, reduction of waste production, regular analysis of emissions from ETARI and chimneys, optimization and maintenance of equipment/layouts for rationalized energy consumption, consumption of recycled materials, such as paper and cardboard. There is a tendency to opt for those who respect good forestry practice to meet the needs of society as a whole.

Extrusal Reciclagem

Aluminum is a unique material that when recycled retains its initial properties.


Extrusal works with various alloys (6060, 6063, 6061 and 6082), and the incorporation of recycled material reaches 40% in some cases, in accordance with the EN1402 1 standard. The Group has resorted to suppliers with strongly implemented sustainable strategies, whose bet is on the circular economy for a smaller environmental footprint.

The concern for environmental preservation promotes the design of architectural solutions that reflect the sustainability of buildings. Previous and exhaustive studies and analyzes of the market are considered: what exists, what must be improved and perfected and what does not exist and must be implemented. This analysis involves a team of professionals from various areas, addressing architectural and construction trends, current legislation, climate change, environmental impacts, energy efficiency, user well-being and housing comfort.

The introduction of accessories that contribute to sustainability is another aspect considered. The search for recycled materials or materials that can be recycled, as well as those whose production process has a smaller environmental footprint are factors taken into account. There is a demand for suppliers with a proactive attitude in this field.

From the Extrusal product catalog, the solutions for opening or sliding windows and doors are subjected to tests and trials for greater thermal, acoustic and AEV performance (air permeability, water tightness and wind resistance). Extrusal is one of the pioneer companies in joining the Class+ labeling system promoted by Adene.

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We defend that the concern should not be limited to the production process and the sustainable solutions developed.

We believe that we are also responsible for instilling in the internal community, partners and customers the importance of the circular economy. Over the years, awareness campaigns for recycling and reuse have been implemented.


The beginning of 2021 was marked by the campaign “Less plastic, more aluminum” whose message is exactly that.


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